Currently we are in a very strange period. With a global pandemic, people worldwide are adjusting their way of living due to this recent COVID-19 virus outbreak. Either if you are prohibited to remain home according to rules set up by your government and society, or you prefer to stay-in just to be safe. No matter if they're infected or not, the truth is, people are more frequent at home these days. 'Home Quarantine' became a term frequently mentioned in the news lately.
With home quarantine becoming a trend for the sake of personal safety, many people put their daily routines on hold, including their outdoor and gym workouts. This does NOT mean it makes working out less important for us. Workouts are a great way to strengthen our health and immune system and a strong immune system is of great importance during these times. Therefore we want to share 5 great ways to workout at home. If you already are, there are also some interesting workout variations included to give your home workouts some variety.
#1 Yoga
If you love to stretch, improve flexibility and get rid of stress, Yoga is a great way to do so. Yoga lets us connect our mind, body and soul to give us that inner peace and harmony we all need during these times. You see, a Yoga center isn't necessarily required for doing Yoga (a Yoga mat would be nice though, but isn't a definite requirement either). In need of Yoga instructions? Easy! There are plenty of instructional Yoga videos to be found online. So if you always wanted to try Yoga and never got the time for it, now it's the time to try it out!
#2 The IAM3F Planking Challenge
Yes the basic Plank as we know it, is indeed a Yoga pose as well, but from there, Planking evolved itself into a pose of its own with different variations. Check out the IAM3F Instagram page for lots of different Planking variations to challenge yourself in your workouts. Originating from Yoga, Planking comes indeed with Yoga health benefits such as: core strengthening, stress relieving and balance improving!
#3 Pilates
If you are not into holding poses as we do with Yoga & planking, and prefer some more motion, you could consider trying out Pilates. Pilates comes with lots of similar benefits as Yoga, however it is a movement system on its own. Pilates comes with a lot more movement in body positions. Pilates workouts are short, effective and less time consuming in general, however both Yoga and Pilates are definitely beneficial for our body and health.
There are some similarities between Pilates and Yoga, but they are different movement systems.
#4 Boxercise
More into cardio and not that into that inner peace? Boxercise might just be the right thing for you! Based on training that boxers use to keep fit, it varies from skipping ropes and shadow-boxing to sit-ups. Boxercise is for everyone. You do not have to have boxing classes before, so you can start out as a complete beginner (like every boxer initially does as well). Its a great way to release some aggression, boost confidence and sharpens the focus. Always wanted to get as fit as a boxer? This might be the right time to do so!
#5 Animalistic Exercises
As an entire workout, or just to spice up your current workout routine, Animalistic exercises is a great and interesting way to do so. Animalistic exercises allow us to get back in touch with our primal selfs and where the human body was designed for by nature. It consists of a series of exercises where we animate the way animals move and is a great way to get fit and stay in shape at home. Who needs a gym when you have your own body? All you might need is some space at home. Not sure what Animalistic Exercises are? They are definitely worth looking up online!
These are 5 great ways to workout during a home quarantine. In need of more exercises? Keep an eye on the IAM3F instagram where we frequently post exercises and challenges to keep you healthy and fit!